Dissertation - Development of an Agent-based Model Capturing Cellular Interactions Associated with Heart Attack
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Full paper can be viewed here. Code can be found on GitHub here.
- Endothelial cells migrate into wounds to heal blood vessel walls
- Over time cells turn Quiescent (G0) then Senescent
- These cells act as barriers to migration
- As we age, the rate of healing is reduced
- But by how much?
- Delayed healing leads to thrombosis
- An Agent-based Model has been implemented in Python
- Dynamic system of interacting cells
- Allows individual representation of the three agents
- Allows graphical output of behaviours
- Testing with unit tests, sensitivity analysis, and face validation
- Senescent cells act as barriers slowing migration
- Emergent behaviour of cells migrating into wound and proliferating cells turning Quiescent
- Largest change after 6.6% senescent ~ 41 years old
- As we age, wound healing rate decreases
- Little change after 41 years of age
- This increases the change of blood clot formation
- Further work:
- Implement cell adhesion
- Decrease time complexity
- In vitro validation